Niagara Naturists News
December 10 2017

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Nudists are Honest, Nudists are Nice, Nudists are Generous.

My wife and I regularly travel to various nudist clubs.  Whenever we travel we try to find a nudist venue to spend a few days while on vacation or traveling for business.  It is so much nicer than staying in a standard hotel.

I have been involved in the management of a landed club and now am part of a non-landed club.  As such, I always try to talk with the employees and management of the club to see how the club works and try to get some new ideas.  What works and what doesn’t work? Some of those ideas, such as the meet and greet dinners, have worked well for Niagara Naturists.

Winter Nudist

Nudists are honest. 

Last spring, my wife and I were scheduled to go on the Bare Necessities nude cruise to the Caribbean. Being from the Buffalo New York area, we know that the weather does not always cooperate with travel plans so we always leave a few days early.  This year, with the cruise departing from Tampa, we decided to stay at Cypress Cove for a few days before the cruise.  We have visited the Cove many times in the past and have friends who live there. What better way to get acclimated to the warm weather.

We landed in Orlando, rented a car, and set out for the Cove.  We had previously made arrangements with another couple, staying at the Cove, to have dinner with them at Cheeks.

We got to the Cove, checked in, and then went to find our friends.  We proceeded to Cheeks, and had a great time.  On the way back to the rooms, we decided to relax in the hot tub for a while.

When we got back to the room, I noticed I was missing something.  When we travel, I usually carry a fanny pack.  I know it is old fashioned, but it is practical for two reasons.  One, when traveling by air, I can put all of my metal objects, keys, change, etc. in the fanny pack and send it on its merry way through the x-ray machine. Two, when at a nudist resort (no pockets) it is handy for keys and money. When we got back to the room, my fanny pack was missing.

I had brought quite a bit of cash with us and most of it was in the fanny pack.  I retraced my steps since I had arrived at the Cove.  When I got to Cheeks, I figured that there was a zero chance of finding the fanny pack.  When I walked in, I was amazed to see my fanny pack sitting on the table just where I had left it. As I reached across the table to retrieve it, one person said, ”We figured somebody would be back for it.” When I got back to the room, I checked and everything that had been in the fanny pack was still there.  Nudists are honest.

Nudists are Nice.

As I mentioned before, when my wife and I go to various nudist resorts, I try to talk with both the employee/management people, but I also try to talk to visitors to get their stories.  On a nude cruise, it is different.  At a nudist resort, the staff is used to nude people.  However, on a cruise ship, it might be a once in a lifetime experience to have naked people walking around. I talked to some of the staff, but for most of them, English is not their first language.  I also found out later, that the cruise lines frown on most of the staff talking in depth to passengers. 

After a few days at sea, I did, however, talk with the cruise director. I asked him how things were going and how the crew was coping with the nude passengers.  He told me that we were great. He said, “You lose your clothes and you lose your attitude.”  He was very happy with the cruise and had already put in to act as cruise director on next year’s nude cruise.

We also took the behind the scenes tour that was offered by the ship.  Because we were going to be below the passenger decks and in the kitchen areas, we had to be clothed for the tour. The tour was conducted by the human resources director.  Before we got started and we were waiting for the last of the people to arrive, the HR director joked that we looked different with clothes on.  Several people asked at once, what she thought about the nude cruise.  She said it was great.  She had also put in for next year’s cruise.  She said that there were noticeably less problems with our group than the standard cruise.  So again, nudists are nice.

Nudists are Generous

On most cruises, there is some type of charity fund raiser involving raffles or other activity to raise money for a cause.  Many times it is for breast cancer.  A few cruises ago, it was a 5K walk for cancer. At the end of the cruise once all of the drawings had taken place, the cruise director announced the total of the fund raising activity for our cruise.  He said that we raised approximately three times what the normal cruise raises.  According to Bare Necessities, this has been true of their Nude Caribbean Cruises for many years.  Nudists are Generous!

My wife and I have been nudists for over 30 years. Our nudist friends are like family.  Our nudist events and meet and greet dinners are like a family event.

Nudists are Honest, Nudists are Nice, Nudists are generous.

It seems that nudists are a cut above the general population.  It feels good to belong to such a group.

Eddie Parker