Table of Contents
Next Meet and Greet
Comments on That Old Nude vs. Sex Thing
Next Meet and Greet
Our next Meet and
Greet dinner will
be on 11/13/21 at
the Hillview Restaurant which is located at 6135
Transit Road, Depew, NY. They have a private meeting room. We
will start at 5:45 PM.
We are looking at
a few places where
we may be able to
have nude meetings
during the winter.
If anybody knows of
a pool or recreation
facility that we
might use, let us
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That Old Nude vs.
Sex Thing
By Steve Jacobson
Assuming that most
people who read this
blog are nudists,
this may be
preaching to the
choir, but even
within the nudist
lifestyle there are
a lot of people who
cannot separate the
idea of being nude
with the sexual act.
Going from club to
club, it' truly
amazing the
different attitudes
concerning what is
sexual and what is
There are clubs that
will not allow
anyone to hold hands
while being nude.
There are clubs that
will not allow
tattoos or piercings
for fear of being
too sexual. At some
clubs you cannot
repeat an "off
color" joke, no
matter how funny it
is. Then there are
clubs that require
clothing to be worn
while dancing. And,
of course, there are
clubs that promote
themselves as
sexually open and
have no problem with
overt sexual
activities. Yes,
there is a third
type of club that
has found that
balance between
being overt sexually
or scared to show
any sexuality. The
fact that you have
these three
different types of
clubs makes it more
confusing to
separate the idea
between being nude
and having sex.
Talk to most anyone
who is not a nudist
and they will
automatically assume
that there are some
sort of sexual
associated with
being a nudist. Some
nudists go overboard
trying to deny any
sexuality with
nudism. Hey folks,
we are human and in
being so, we are
sexual in nature.
The fact we are
nudist has nothing
to do with our
natural sexual drive
and enjoyment. As
nudists, we may be
better at
controlling any
overt sexual
advances being more
aware of what is
appropriate and what
is not.
It is my belief that
allowing people to
naturally express
themselves, whether
it be a joke,
uttering the
expletive, holding
hands, or even a
kiss or two, is a
healthy thing. The
key is, that with
anything else,
moderation is the
main factor. We
nudists tend to
align ourselves with
groups around us
that make us
comfortable. We soon
learn what is
appropriate and what
is not in our group.
Find the group, or
lifestyle, that
suits you and relax
and enjoy living.
It's not the sex
that upsets people,
it's the implication
that you are in a
group that condones
inappropriate sexual
behavior. You can
try to explain to
non-nudists that
being nude and
having sex are not
the same thing.
Whether they listen
and change their
minds is their
The point I’m trying
to make is that it’s
alright to be the
sexual human being
that we are. Have
fun with your
sexuality, tell that
"dirty joke," go
ahead and show some
affection with a
loved one, and don't
be afraid to think
"dirty" thoughts. As
long as you're
mature enough to
control your actions
regarding what is
appropriate and what
is not.
Granted, there are
people who don't
have that filter in
their brain that
keeps them for
acting like an
idiot, they will
always be around.
But you don't have
to live down to
their level. Being a
nudist is lets us
enjoy natural
feelings of
well-being. Those
feeling don’t stop
when it comes to our
natural sexuality.
It's the feeling of
a sense of freedom
that is the hallmark
of being a nudist. A
certain amount of
sexual freedom is
Steve Jacobson is a
guest blogger who
contributes articles
to the AANR blog.
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